The year started slowly but picked up steam by tournament time.
Daniel took friends out on August 7th and got one (164) somewhere
outside of Avalon. On August 27th Carolyn released one at the "499" and
on September 8th I managed to "hang" one on 12 pound test, 6 miles
south of the West End of Catalina during the BAC Masters tournament and
we succeeded in releasing it. One week later the
LABC Avalon Tournament turned out to be "our
year." The following week we fished in the
Marlin Club
ILTT. Our yellow Koga Head Lure scored again.
December 20, 1989 - We did have a notable catch at the end of the year. In late December came word of fish being seen below the islands around the 425. Kenneth was home from Med. school for the Xmas vacation and so the four of us (Ken, Dan, Geoff, of course, and I) made the trip. In mid-morning Daniel spotted a group of feeders, "punched it" and off we ran. Dragging the jigs over the spot we got a double with one falling off. Since he was missing the summer fishing we let Ken have it and on Dec. 20th we brought in one of a few fish brought in that week (146 pounds on 20). |