Fishing the ZOPILOTE
On Oct 13th Geoff and I came down for a day of fishing. However,
we got talked into joining Bruce and Joan on the "ZOPILOTE" - to see how
the "highliners" do it. They also had Jack Carpenter and his wife along
as guests. Jack had been making a line of jigs very similar to the Patco
lure put out by Pat Trainor. As we zipped along heading to the
"grounds", I kind of innocently asked if they intended to bait "that
sleeper over there." Oops, I was the only one who had seen it. They
stopped. Bruce and Geoff threw baits, but no taker. So we continued up
towards the waters off La Jolla. Everyone was up on the bridge and I had
the jig watching duties. Hook up! Settling in I worked the fish and was
able to bring it in. Another nice fish - 196 pounds on 30 pound
tackle. Caught on a Carpenter lure, of course. And no fuel bill.