Most of us have a couple of fishing or hunting
trips we wish we would have taken. You know, that trip where family, work or life
got in the way of what might have been a trip of a lifetime. One of those trips for me was supposed to be on
the Ken-Dan, the boat run exceptionally by the late Dr. Marty Morris,
who died nearly two years ago after a heart attack. It was a Make-A-Wish
Tuna Challenge trip, and to be honest, I’m not sure what got in the way.
But something did. I didn’t go. Somehow, fishing without the
sportswriter, Marty and his son Ken won the tournament. They landed some
giant bluefin and swept the deck of prizes. Later, Marty and Ken offered
me part of the bounty, a Ken-Dan Tuna Challenge fishing jacket that
memorialized the Morris’ victory in a tournament they and Marty’s wife
Carolyn and their team helped make one the top fundraising ventures for
kids with life-threatening illnesses. Today, I still wear that Ken-Dan jacket proudly,
and I mention Morris today because this weekend, Carolyn Morris, his
wife and fishing partner for 47 years, is holding what she’s aptly
calling an “All Things Fish Private Art Sale.” She said Marty’s family
has taken what they want to remember him by, but there still are many
things, all things fish, remaining. She plans to sell the couple’s Del
Cerro home and move into something smaller and more manageable.
Those interested are welcome to
email Carolyn Morris at On Wednesday, Carolyn showed me many of the
treasures that will be available, and they are impressive. But during my
short visit, what really came through was something I knew, but was
driven home by my stay. Marty loved his family, his orthopedic practice
and, of course, fishing. And he always fished with family and friends
like Harry Okuda. “It was important for him to be with his family,
and he loved fishing with his boys,” Carolyn said. The Morris boat was called the Ken-Dan for his
sons, Ken and Dan. Recently, Ken Morris, who followed his father and
today is a doctor, traveled to Cabo San Lucas with his wife, Meredith,
and daughter, Amelia. The purpose was to charter “an old family friend,”
as Marty once called the Ken-Dan. The boat had been sold to Mexican
interests in 2007 and was renamed the Linda Fiesta. When Ken boarded the
boat, he noticed many of the Morris’ creature comforts and personal
touches had been removed from the boat, now a charter vessel under a
Mexican flag. Fishing had been tough off Cabo, but on this
trip, it was as if Dr. Sword, the old captain of the Ken-Dan, was
running the wheelhouse. By the end of the trip, the Morris family had
four marlin encounters, three marlin hookups and they released all
three. It all was in the tradition of Marty Morris, who once caught two
swordfish in four days in 1979, earned the Los Angeles Billfish Club’s
Grand Slam trophy for catching a sailfish, black marlin, broadbill
swordfish, white marlin, blue marlin and striped marlin and in 1990
landed a marlin, solo. Most of all, Marty Morris would have been very
pleased that all marlin were released on the Linda Fiesta trip. But he
likely would love to hear that the old lady, as Ken called it, now is
part of Baja’s Marlin Patrol Fleet, the Marlin Patrol IV, that will
monitor the marlin resource and fishery. Morris was a staunch supporter of marine
conservation, believing that the marlin resource was being decimated by
the catch-and-kill crowd. Born in Chicago, Morris had plenty of that
Midwest toughness. He was a character, but to me, more importantly, he
had character, lots. It was an honor to know him. |