Nothing special to report for the year, but we did fish in the
Marlin Club ILTT. The participation was noteworthy for we had with us a couple
of individuals not reported on too much in these proceedings. That is, Gene
Zander, a former member of the LABC, retired and living in Julian, fished with
us. Gene, unfortunately, passed away after succumbing to a severe infection he
contracted having dental work done in - ugh - Tijuana. That was one bargain
where he got more than expected. Our other "guest" was a professional skipper,
one Ron Costa, he of the "HAPPY KANAKE" fame. Ron was already having severe
orthopedic problems and required the use of leg braces whenever up. But we got
him up to the helm seat and he was grateful just to be out on the water.
We fished off Catalina's East End and spent
part of the day chasing tailers. Not known for my casting the others would
run to the bow, throw baits here and there, and I was the designated
drop-backer. And so it went when guess who got picked up? Yup, yours truly
hung one and then the decision to take or release. Release points were 120
points and when it jumped the others thought it was substantially larger
than that. I wasn't so sure. The tournament had an award for the 1st
release and none had been taken by then. I should have gone for it. But we
took the fish and it only weighed 125-1/2. That was all we did in the